Betrayed (Soldiers of Darkness MC Book 2) Read online

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Sam says nothing for what feels like the longest of minutes, and I’m so angry now I can feel my skin start to prickle. But I’m also scared. I just don’t know why. I don’t even know who I’m scared for – me, or Mack. Maybe I should be scared for the both of us.

  ‘I can help you, Izzi.’

  And then he turns and walks away, and again I feel my skin prickle and a stirring in the pit of my stomach I don’t want and I don’t welcome. Damn Mack Slayer! I still care for him, of course I do. But I love Zeb. I don’t love Mack anymore. If I ever really loved him at all…

  Chapter Ten


  I knew he wasn’t up to the job and, man, being right, that makes me fucking hard, every time.

  I pull off my T-shirt and splash my face with water, looking up into the mirror, and I smile ‘cause, yeah. I’m one lucky son-of-a-fucking-bitch. I got the girl, now I got the job. I got everything he fucking wanted, and now what’s he left with? He didn’t even want to be my V.P., he’s just an ordinary Soldier now. Just another brother. And that makes me kinda suspicious, that a man like Mack Slayer is willing to give up everything for nothing. Why’d he do that, huh? I know exactly why. And the second I see him put one foot outta fucking line, I’ll end him, and any plans he’s got to leave here with Izzi, ‘cause I know. I fucking know what he wants, what he’s planning, what he thinks is gonna happen. I know.

  I hear the door open and I turn my head slightly as Izzi comes in, shedding her clothes as she walks, but I don’t turn around. I stay facing the mirror, watching the reflection as she kicks her panties away and moves up behind me, naked bar her spike-heeled boots, and my cock jumps to attention the second her warm skin connects with mine. Mack Slayer wants her but the only way he’s gonna get her is over my cold, dead body. And that ain’t happening any time soon. He wants a fight, he got one. But I ain’t starting it.

  ‘Hey, Mr. President,’ she murmurs, her lips pressed against my shoulder as she speaks, her hands splayed out over my stomach.

  ‘You OK with this, princess?’

  It don’t really matter whether she is or not, this is what I wanted. I’m President of the Soldiers of Darkness New Mexico chapter, and there ain’t nobody taking that from me now, not even her. She don’t like it, she just gonna have to get used to it.

  ‘I don’t have much choice, do I?’

  I cover her hand with mine, stroking her fingers. ‘This’ll be good for us, baby.’

  ‘Will it?’

  ‘I won’t let anything happen to you, Izzi. I promise.’

  I feel her lips against my skin again and I close my eyes and squeeze her hand as she unzips me, Jesus, I fucking love this woman!

  ‘Everyone’s outside in the clubhouse, waiting for their new President,’ she says quietly, but that party can fucking wait. I got my own private one happening right here. ‘I just wanted to congratulate him myself first.’

  I take hold of her hand and swing her around, lifting her up onto the edge of the wash basin, the kiss she gives me rough and harsh as my cock rams into her, slamming her into the porcelain, her cries vibrating through me. And she lifts her legs high, wrapping them around me, and those heels, man, they’re digging into my back, and she’s on such an angle that I’m falling into her, so far I’m in up to my balls, and she’s crying out, and it’s freakin’ incredible! I reach back and take hold of her ankles, unwrapping her legs from around me and spreading them as wide as they’ll go, shit! I can see fucking everything, and I watch my cock pull out of her completely and then slam back into her, and it’s fucking beautiful.

  We’re done in minutes, it’s over, and she wraps her legs back around my hips and falls against me, and I’m swamped by an all-consuming, powerful urge to protect this woman. It sweeps over me so rapidly, its force sudden and overwhelming and I instinctively fold my arms around her because I need to feel her against me. And she may think she don’t need protecting, but she does. For a while she became someone else, Jesus, I turned her into someone else. But she ain’t that girl no more. I can see it in her eyes, she’s different.

  I lift her up and carry her into the bedroom, and I lay her down on the bed and lie beside her, facing her, and she smiles at me and one day soon, man, I’m gonna put a baby in that girl’s belly and give us a reason to make all this shit work. Mack Slayer’s gonna be history soon. Ain’t nothing gonna be standing in my way no more…


  He takes me again, slower this time, and I stretch out beneath him and draw my knees to my chest, pulling him in deeper, and I moan quietly as I feel him fall into me. His fingers intertwine with mine, his breath almost burning my skin and when he comes it tips me over the edge too, and we’re coming together, and I don’t want to feel that fear swamp me again, but it’s there. It’s happening. And tears start to stream down my face and he leans over to kiss them away, an action that delivers a punch to my heart that takes my breath away. I love this man so much now, and it’s still a crazy, almost wrong kind of love but it’s there. It’s real. And I am terrified of losing him now, because I need him. Mack’s right, I’m not the same girl Zeb and Sam turned me into. They made me that way for a reason, but I don’t need to be that way anymore. I don’t need to be her, anymore. But I don’t want to be weak, either. So I suck it up and take a deep breath and when he pulls out of me I get up straight away and head into the bathroom to wash my face. That was a moment of vulnerability. It isn’t going to happen again.

  ‘You spoke to Mack today.’

  I know he’s standing in the doorway but I don’t turn around. ‘I don’t understand what he’s doing, Zeb. Giving up the President’s patch…’

  ‘You know, Izzi. You know exactly what he’s doing. You might not understand it, hell, I ain’t even sure he understands exactly what he’s doing. But you know, why he did it.’

  I drop my head and stare down into the empty wash basin, and I feel a knot twist up in my gut so tight I have to swallow hard to get the next breath out. And then he touches my hip and I flinch slightly, and he touches me again, his hand pressing a little harder against my skin as he leans in to me, his mouth brushing the side of my neck.

  ‘I’m letting this one slide, princess. ‘Cause it’s been a weird kinda day. But he knows the rules now, and so do you.’

  He turns me around and his hand rests against my cheek, making me look at him, right into his eyes.

  ‘I know what he wants and I know he ain’t gonna stop ‘til he’s tried his fucking hardest to win. But he won’t win.’

  ‘He’s wasting his time, Zeb.’

  ‘Oh, I know that, darlin’. He’s just thrown it all away for nothing, and I think there’s a part of him that knows that. He just don’t wanna accept it.’

  ‘I told him…’

  He puts his fingers to my mouth and shakes his head. ‘That ain’t important, princess. You and me, we got this place now. It’s ours. We run the whole fucking show, he ain’t got no power no more. He’s fucking worthless around here.’

  I feel that knot in my stomach tighten. I might not want to be with Mack anymore but I wasn’t lying when I said I still care about him. I do. And I don’t want to hear Zeb talk about him like this, but I really don’t have much choice. I love Zeb, and my loyalty has to be with him, but Mack doesn’t deserve to be treat like he’s nothing. Like he’s worth nothing.

  ‘He’ll be gone soon, Izzi. And he’ll be leaving without you. Because I’ll make damn sure he understands that.’ He kisses me, his hand still resting against my cheek, and it’s a powerful kiss; a proprietorial kiss. ‘Now, we’re gonna go out there and act like the king and queen of this compound, ‘cause that’s what we are now. OK?’

  I nod, and he kisses me again but it’s a different kind of kiss now, a gentler, much softer kiss and I feel that knot in my gut slowly start to unravel.

  Mack Slayer was never meant to be my future…


  ‘Hey, Cora.’

  ‘Hey, Mack.’ She takes a sip of her drink, her eyes
never leaving mine. ‘So, it’s true, huh? You really have let go of that President’s patch. Again.’

  I laugh quietly, ‘cause she’s right. This is the second time in a matter of months that I’ve given that patch away, walked away from those responsibilities; something that’s defined my whole fucking life. And I’m just tossing it aside like it means nothing. ‘I guess I’ve been kinda careless, huh?’

  She takes another drink, and her stare don’t even waver. She’s a beautiful woman is Cora. One of our more experienced dancers, which technically means she’s older than most of the girls we hire, but she can still pull ‘em in and make ‘em hard and she’s one of the best. That’s why I wanted her here, at Six. She know what works, what these brothers of mine want. She knows. And the other girls, they look up to her. She can teach them all those tricks of hers, and that ain’t no bad thing.

  ‘I hear you and Izzi are pretty close now.’

  She smiles a slow smile. ‘Oh, we’re really close, honey.’

  I return her smile. ‘You and her…?’

  ‘Not without her old man’s consent, darlin’. And he gave it, so we got down to it. Even got him to join in.’

  Is she kidding me here?

  ‘You, Izzi, and Zeb?’

  She leans in to me, her mouth close to my ear. ‘I fucked her pussy, he fucked her ass.’

  Jesus Christ! ‘She went for that?’

  ‘She asked for that.’

  My head turns in an almost reflex action, and I watch as Izzi and Zeb appear from the back of the clubhouse. She’s holding his hand so tight, I can see her fingers gripping his, and she looks beautiful and young and almost innocent in a short black strapless dress and spike heeled boots, and my cock has a moment as I take that innocence and then imagine her being fucked all kindsa ways. And then I stop myself, I have to.

  ‘You still want her, don’t you?’

  Cora’s voice thankfully pulls me back from something I shouldn’t be thinking about here, in the middle of a crowded clubhouse. ‘Huh?’

  ‘Izzi. You still want her. That’s why you’ve done all of this, isn’t it? Mack Slayer trying to go clean, that ain’t you, darlin’. It never was, not until that girl walked into your world. So everything you’re doing now, you’re doing for her. Right?’

  ‘Has she said anything to you?’

  She just looks at me, and I ain’t into playing games.

  ‘Jesus Christ…’

  I rake a hand through my hair and look back over at Izzi and Zeb, and she turns her head and her eyes meet mine and she whips her head back around like she just seen a fucking ghost, shit! That fucker’s got to her, and while I got no regrets handing my club over to him, I got no intention of letting him keep Izzi, too. That was never my plan, to let him have everything. He might think he has. I’m in no doubt that my cousin thinks he’s won, that he’s got me on the back foot, but I ain’t stupid. And he ain’t having it all…

  Chapter Eleven


  ‘So, you’re President now, huh? You finally got what you ultimately wanted.’

  ‘What I want is for you to leave me the fuck alone, forget whatever fucked-up plan you want me to carry out, and disappear. I’m done, OK? I ain’t getting involved in your messed-up shit.’

  ‘And you think Sam’s just gonna forget about me? You don’t think he’s just gonna keep badgering you to find me and finish the job?’

  ‘I ain’t got time for this. I got enough to sort out here without this crap. Stop calling me, stop asking me to carry out your own personal vendettas and let me get on with running this club.’

  ‘I ain’t sure I can do that, Zeb.’

  I let out a heavy sigh and sit back in my chair in the empty chapel. ‘What the fuck do I have to do to get rid of you, huh?’

  ‘I need a favor, son.’

  ‘Another one? Is you asking me to kill Sam not enough for you, huh?’

  ‘My club – The Black Dogs…’

  ‘It ain’t your club no more.’

  ‘Like I told you, Zeb, I’m still a part of it. Those brothers, they still look up to me.’

  ‘Must be a real ego boost for you.’

  ‘There’s something going down in a town about forty miles from where you are. Northmont. You heard of it?’

  ‘I got connections there, yeah. What the fuck is this, Kes?’

  ‘There’s an MC there. Joker’s Creed.’

  ‘I know it. We ain’t done business yet, but I know their Road Captain.’

  ‘They’re expecting a shipment of cocaine from across the border.’

  Shit! I gotta bad feeling about this. But no matter what threats my jerk of a father throws at me, I ain’t doing nothing for him, I ain’t getting involved in his crap. ‘What’s that got to do with me or my club?’

  ‘Their ex-President, him and me got history. His club and mine got history, and we need some kinda payback. You’re gonna help us get that.’

  ‘You want me to put my men in danger because you want to get involved in a pissing contest with an old enemy?’

  ‘His club caused the death of three of our men, Zeb.’

  ‘And that ain’t my fucking problem, Jesus! Sort your own shit out and leave me to run my own club. I’m done, Kes. OK? I’m calling your fucking bluff ‘cause I’m tired of your crap. Whatever beef you got with neighboring clubs, with Sam, it ain’t my problem.’

  ‘But it is, Zeb. Now.’

  I lean forward, and there’s a feeling in the pit of my stomach I ain’t happy about.

  ‘You’re gonna help me intercept that shipment of cocaine, and then you’re gonna kill my brother ‘cause, if you don’t, if you continue to play the stubborn card I’m gonna give you every reason to throw your loyalty in my direction.’

  ‘You wanna tell me what the fuck you’re talking about?’


  I stand up and kick my chair back, slamming my fist into the wall behind me ‘cause I’m beyond fucking angry now. ‘You son-of-a-fucking-bitch… I told you, she ain’t got nothing to do with this…’

  ‘And she’ll stay safe, as long as you do what I need you to. You don’t even have to get involved, Zeb, you can send any number of your henchman. And I promise you, they’ll be paid well for their help. You don’t have to get your hands dirty at all. So, shall we start with Joker’s Creed? The shipment’s arriving at the border in a week’s time. I’ll be in touch soon to arrange a meet-up between your men and mine.’

  He hangs up, and I throw the phone down onto the table, lean into the wall and rest my head against the cool plaster. And I breathe in deep, breath after breath, but my chest’s so fucking tight now…


  I hear her voice but I don’t move, I’m not even sure I can yet, and I close my eyes as she walks over to me, the touch of her hand on my arm calming me, slowly.

  ‘Baby? What’s wrong?’

  I shake my head and turn around, fixing a smile on my face that she needs to believe is real. ‘Nothing, princess. I just gotta touch of indigestion. Sometimes the breakfasts you girls throw together ‘round here – they really do a job, y’know?’

  She looks at me, and I ain’t sure she’s convinced but it’s all I got. ‘You want me to get you anything?’

  ‘Shut the door.’

  She cocks her head slightly, but then she does as she’s told and she closes the door.

  ‘Now come back over here.’

  She pulls herself up onto the table and I reach up under her dress and slide my fingers under her panties, the touch of her warm, wet pussy sending another wave of calm flooding through me. And she says nothing, she lets me do what I need to do, and when I start to slide her panties off she raises her hips and wriggles out of them, spreading her legs wide and I look down. She opens herself up with her fingers, and I need to be in there so bad, my heart – it’s racing, man. It’s pumping the blood so fast around my body I’m fucking light-headed.

  I sink to my haunches and plunge my tongue deep
inside her, my hands on her inner thighs keeping her legs spread as wide as they can go, and when she leans back I pull out of her for a second and trace my tongue down over her slit, rimming her asshole, and she moans quietly, Jesus! I fucking needed this! My head’s so fucked-up right now, but she’s calming me, she’s being the perfect old lady. She’s doing her job, and now I gotta do mine. I gotta keep her safe, protect her, make sure my jackass of a father don’t get near her.

  I feel her tense up as I suck on her clit, my tongue flicking back and forth over it, and she thrusts herself towards me, inviting me back inside and I don’t hesitate. My tongue’s back in that beautiful pussy before she can take another breath, and she is so freakin’ wet…

  I take her so far, and then I pull back out and I stand up, wiping my mouth with my forearm, and she looks at me and I throw her a grin, stepping back between her legs and I kiss her. She rests her palm against my cheek and kisses me back, and I know she can taste herself on my lips, and I get such a kick outta that. Her mouth moves against mine, tongues touching, entwining, and I reach down and slide my fingers inside her, and she shifts position slightly, leaning back a little and I know what she wants. And I ain’t gonna say no. I pull my fingers out and gently slide my hand back in, my fist slipping into her so easily, and she cries out as she throws back her head and I slip the straps of her dress down and expose her tits, her nipples hard and erect and, man, she’s got the most incredible tits! And as I lean over to suck on those nipples I can hear her heart thumping, it’s so loud I’m surprised it ain’t hurting her.

  For a few minutes I forget all the shit that’s going on. For a few minutes I enjoy playing with my girl, sucking on her tits and fist-fucking her until she comes so heavy and so fast, man, I ain’t seen nothing like it. She’s freakin’ soaking! Her body jerks and jolts as I thrust my fist up into her as far as it’ll go, and she’s burning hot and soaking wet and she pulls my head up and kisses me hard, biting my lip and howling like some beautiful, wild animal as she comes in waves all over my hand. I feel every convulsion, every spasm; feel her spill out over me, and when I look down I see how wet she really is.